We saw in the previous section that the unit circle is a circle with a radius of one, and sine and cosine are defined in terms of periodic movement around the unit circle. We measure distances around the unit circle in terms of phase. The phase can be thought of as the angle between our rotating line and the x-axis. We can express the phase in either degrees or radians.1 For any given point on the unit circle, the y-coordinate of the point is given by the sine of the phase, and the x-coordinate is given by cosine of the phase. You can fiddle with the slider in the bottom left corner of Figure 1 to better understand the relationship between the unit circle, sine, cosine, and phase.

Figure 1.  The Unit Circle

If you’re willing to recall some high school trigonometry, you’ll probably remember that sine and cosine were defined using the mnemonic SOHCAHTOA,

Sine is Opposite over Hypotenuse
Cosine is Adjacent over Hypotenuse
Tangent is Opposite over Adjacent

Recall further that opposite refers to the length of the vertical or green line, and adjacent refers to the length of the horizontal or red line.

sin(phase) = opposite / hypotenuse

cos(phase) = adjacent / hypotenuse

In the case of the unit circle, the length of the hypotenuse (blue line) is always equal to one, making our equations pretty trivial.

sin(phase) = opposite / 1

cos(phase) = adjacent / 1

1. There are 360 degrees in a circle, and 2π radians. Radians are a much purer way to measure distances around the circle. We find it normal to think of a circle as containing 360 degrees, but this is an Earth-centric, historical, and non-universal notion. Humans have settled on the number 360 because it’s nicely divisible, and happens to be quite close to the number of days in a year. When our alien overlords arrive from a different solar system, they’ll understand radians but not degrees because radians are defined purely in terms of distances around the unit-circle.